everyone, Buckle Up! This is going to be a long post!
Joel has been doing really well in his first 2 weeks of school, his first test is on Monday so everyone wish him luck. Last week we had the white coat ceremony, where Joel got to adorn his Short White Coat officially marking him as a Medical student. When he graduates he gets the Long white coat officially marking him as a Doctor. Step one done!

Joel has been doing really well in his first 2 weeks of school, his first test is on Monday so everyone wish him luck. Last week we had the white coat ceremony, where Joel got to adorn his Short White Coat officially marking him as a Medical student. When he graduates he gets the Long white coat officially marking him as a Doctor. Step one done!
am also excited to introduce to you, our new roommate. One day we found this
cute little guy hiding under our fan. He is seriously so tiny! Smaller than my
pinky finger for sure. Him and some ants are the only critters we have found in
our house so far. I decided to name him Pico, and I am very excited to say that
he has decided to stay with us. Since the first time we saw him we see him
about every other day in odd places. One day I came home and almost stepped on
him as he went running across the floor. I don’t ever want to hurt him so since
then on I have been announcing myself every time I enter the house...”Pico I’m
home!!” He for sure pulls his weight, every since he showed up there has been a
huge decrease in the number of ants I find crawling around. Thanks Pico!!
Last week I went out snorkeling with the snorkel club and saw some amazing stuff. I didn’t take the camera, though, Sorry! I was super excited with everything I saw, the reef and the fish were amazing! Joel was sad he missed it so on Saturday we went out just the 2 of us as soon as we woke up. I don’t know what was going on, but the waves were huge that day! Normally there are no waves at all here, but it was sloshing everything around really bad so the water was super murky. Poor Joel, we couldn’t see a thing. Oh and something else exciting... I got a job! I had an interview on Monday, got offered the job on Tuesday and started training on Wednesday. They gave me a script with an illness, and I go to the school pretending to be sick and the students diagnose me, they are graded on their interactions with me. Its only like 3 hours a week for 5 weeks. But still its better than nothing, and it gives me a chance to use my acting skills!
I started my training on Wednesday, which also happened to be...MY BIRTHDAY! Hurray! After my training in the morning, I went with Joel down to the beach. I was determined to do some more snorkeling, its one of my favorite things to do here. We get to the beach and it starts pouring rain. Sad day! There is a restaurant right on the beach, so we decided to just do lunch there. By the time we were done eating the rain had stopped and the sun was shining. I jumped right in the water and started snorkeling. It was beautiful! The water was clear and perfect. Joel was sitting on the peir studying, but I finally convinced him to join me in the water. It was fantastic, but unfortunately I am not very good at taking pictures under water yet! Sorry about that. I promise its much prettier then it looks. There were 1000’s of fish! We kept swimming through school after school! Silver ones, Gold ones, Red ones. I don’t know the names or types, but they were fantastic! We saw a little puffer fish too.
(Beach Restaurant) |
Little Puffer Fish |
Once we were done snorkeling, I hoped out of the water and realized I was running slightly late for my Birthday party. That’s right, you heard me! The wonderful women in the branch here found out it was my Birthday and gave me a fantastic party at the pool. I ran from the beach to the Pool, which is only about a 1 min walk and got ready to party down! It really was fantastic! Lots of people came, I got presents and one woman even made cupcakes for everybody. It was one of the best Birthdays ever!
Present From Jenn |
Joel stayed with me to show his support, but he was also worried about the time
he lost out on for studying. He decided he could make it up by studying at the
party...in the pool. This is Joel with his tablet in a waterproof case. He
decided it was too loud to study effectively. Where could he go to study,
quietly, while also being a supportive husband? Thats right! Underwater. Yes he put on his snorkel and studied under water
Hahaha!! Only Joel!! I sure do love this man!

dinner on my Birthday my friend Kelsey(Picture above with her handsome son Lincoln) had us over for dinner, it was fantastic
and was followed by some of the most delicious birthday cookies I have ever
ate! And for the perfect end to the perfect day- Joel let me sleep with the A/C
on. (We normally don’t because it’s crazy expensive to run it)
would be an appropriate place to stop blogging for now, but I warned you this
would be a long one so I am just going to keep on trucking. Okay so this
morning I went out snorkeling again with the snorkel group. Just down the beach
from where I normally do my swimming, there is a Sunken Barge. Crazy cool. On the shore right close to the Barge is an
old dilapidated, deserted Hotel. Now as some of you may or may not know- I have
a hobby of creating horror movies in my head. I when I am in a new place, I
like to think, what is the most suitable monster for this location, what is the
most horrible situation that could happen in this location with that monster
and who will survive it. In high school, whenever we had an away tournament, I
would always do a quick scan of the hotel room and inform my friends which of them
would be dying that trip if a certain monster decided to show up. I remember
once, in Formost, the school had 2 gyms and since we lived so far away they let
us sleep in the unused Gym. Spending the night in that school was one of the
best head horror movie situations I have every created and survived...Until
now!! Are you kidding me right now?!? Rundown old Hotel on the shore of the
ocean...15 feet away from a sunken barge?! I my friends...just struck Gold. Oh
the possibilities are endless! Coming up with new horror situations for this
place will easily keep my busy for the next year, and maybe then some. I didn’t
get any good pictures of it today, but its only about a 20min walk from my
house, so believe me they are coming. For now, here is a picture of some crabs
hanging on the barge. Oh, I forgot to mention, this is where we did our
snorkeling today
Around the Barge was really murky so we didn’t get to see too much...until we went further out to sea. We hit a reef that was amazing!!! Absolutely incredible, it was like a whole underwater city, I wouldn’t have been surprised at all if mermaids would have shown up. I apologize for the pictures do not do it any justice. You can make out any of the brilliant colors, or see ever 5% of the fish. There were Millions! I got to see a Huge Eel, but no picture sorry. I also saw quite a few jelly fish. No picture of them ether, sorry.
I was lucky enough to get stung by a jelly fish. It was
just a tiny one, like the size of my thumb, so it really wasn’t that bad at
all. Feels something like a Bee sting, however with my first one I was a little
worried, I popped my head out of the water and stated calling to the other
snorkeling people that I was stung. They came over to make sure I was okay and reassure
me and advised on all the things I could do for the pain. (None necessary, I couldn’t
even feel it anymore by the time I got to shore). After a little bit of us all
just treading water, Jennifer exclaims “Look Straight Down!” I did as was told
and stuck my face in the water and looked right under my feet. It was a HUGE
sting ray!! Like 12ft directly below me! I yelled...with my face still under
water. Like, the classic “Home Alone” yell. I think I did even put my hands to
my cheeks when it happened. Here are some photos, compliments of Liz. I passed
her the camera because I was too chicken to follow the thing. I was swimming backwards
thinking...thats the thing that Killed Steve Erwin! Crocodile Hunter! This thing
killed the man that could literally hold every other deadly dangerous animal on
earth. To me this makes the Sting Ray, the King of all creatures and to him I
give the up most respect. Well Played Sting Ray...Well Played.
what great things you are experiencing -- you had such a great birthday we will never be able to top that :( :( :(
ReplyDeleteKeep the pictures coming
Love MOM W
Happy Birthday indeed! What a sweet bunch of ladies! And I love the studying underwater thing. That totally cracks me up. Can't wait to hear more about the acting gig. I expect to see a recreation at some point in time...glad you are loving it!
ReplyDeletesuch a wonderful blog. I really, really can't ever imagine you guys coming back to a land-locked province, with no snorkeling, no under-water studying, no horror stories -- wait, I'm sure there are some terrific horror stories just waiting around here. How about the house across the street and down a bit, where we used to hear strange, hair-raising shouts rolling out in the early morning hours? The lady of the house would sometimes come and sun herself in our back alley, leaning on our fence. I'm shivering just thinking of what you could do with something that looks normal, but isn't.