Joel and I are having a hard time coming to terms with the fact that we live here. It seems like it should just be a vacation or something which gives the impression that time is running out, but since we have been here, we have been so busy and done so much it feels like we have been here forever, it seems impossible that it’s been less than a week! Very strange. Here is an update on the last few days. The school held a Welcome out BBQ that was FANTASTIC! Okay okay- so it was no Alberta Beef, but the food was still great, and the entertainment was wonderful! Anyone who knows me and Joel well knows that we have a weird obsession with steel drums. There was a steel drum band in Lethbridge and we did everything we could to NEVER miss a show. I guess that means we moved to the right place hey? The group that played at the BBQ was a kids band and they were fantastic! Loved them. Very impressed.
Wednesday was a busy day. I was hanging out in the apartment in the morning when there was a knock at the door. It was the cleaner! (As part of our rent we have a woman that comes to clean our house once a week) So this is my first experience with this kind of thing. I will also note, that we just got our last bag off the plane the night before. Okay, so the cleaner is at the door, and I am mortified that the house is so messy because I am still unpacking. She said she didn’t care, but I insisted she come back later. She went and cleaned some other apartments and I went on a mad dash cleaning spree. She came back and my house was beautiful. She gave me a funny look and told me I didn’t have to clean for her, that was her job. She said next week to just leave the house alone and let her take care of it. I guess we will have to see how next week goes haha. In the afternoon we went on a River Boat trip. This is the same river they filmed Pirated of the Caribbean 2 –when they are on their way to Calypsos house. It was incredible. I honestly cant even describe how beautiful the river was and how much I loved it. If I could afford it, I would boat up/down that river every single day I am here. (Also, its about a 15 min walk from my apartment). There were so many different types of crab, lizards and you can see the fish swimming all around. Its opens right into the ocean so its half fresh half salt water river. Barracudas swim up the river to eat the smaller fish. Its lined with trees, and the tree roots keep the banks of the river from eroding into it. So you will have tall thin trees with HUGE flat roots. Very fantastic.
Anyways, the Moral of the story is everyone is safe and happy and we love the Caribbean